Systematic Theology
For every Christian person, from the priest to the ordinary believer, in his life of faith, he always encounters such questions that are solved at the confessional level, through confessional formulas. This can be seen by the example of many paradoxical statements of the Gospel, Christ himself. For example, Christ says: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If one eats of this bread, he will live forever." (John 6:51). This is a really paradoxical statement, because on the one hand, the Gospel tells us that Christ was born in the flesh from an ordinary earthly woman, and if we perceive the descent from heaven as a word referring to the Son of God, then it is not clear how one can eat the Son of God (without a body), and in What does it mean to eat the body of Christ? This is a question that is not theoretical at all. After all, every believer receives communion several times a year, and must give an account of how he accepts the bread and wine of the communion he received. And there are many such moments in the Bible. A distorted interpretation of each of them can give rise to a new sect. Bewing well aware, the fathers of the church from the first centuries on, and for millennia, took care to have the right doctrine. Realizing all that, our publishing house publishes books on the most serious theological issues. Such are the Dogmatic Writings of the Khosrovik Translator, the Interpretation of the Letter to the Hebrews by Cyril of Alexandria, the Golden Belly by Grigor Tatevatsi, partly also the Commentary on the Books of Solomon, and the Confessions of Augustine. In addition to these classic books, we are also working to publish articles on religious topics. They are currently covered on the pages of our special theological website,